Welcome, my name is Brennan, a network and system engineer. I've put this website together to showcase who I am a bit more beyond the boring and same old resume.
I play a lot of games at home and watch a lot of anime. My favourite game series of all time is the Battlefield series. One of my ongoing personal projects is automating my house using Home Assistant. It's been going pretty well, I've got many things hooked up but one of my favourites is my garden. I've installed a bunch of soil sensors to get readings on whether my plants need some watering, and I can control my reticulation remotely.
My dream is to become the Chef Ramsay of the IT world, to become a network design architect like no other. To that end, I take a lot of pride in my work. Every piece of work I design and build, is constantly refined and upgraded. Some say, “if it ain’t broke, don’t touch it”, I say… I can make it better, there is always room for improvement. Improvements do not have to be grand, even the smallest things can make the biggest of differences.
I love integration and automation. I am always curious to work out better ways to integrate systems, and to automate them. I put the hard work in first, so I do not have to work as hard later. So that things are as seamless as possible. But not just for myself, the user experience is always at my forefront. The easier it is for my users, the easier it is for me.
Processes are an important part of business, and life in general. A leads to B, leads to C, or in some cases should lead to F. I have processes for everything, from asset disposal to how I should make my breakfast in the morning.
But all the above must be delivered securely. Security is a recurring thought process throughout every idea, every plan. Is what I am doing secure? What are the implications? As part of refinement, how can this design be better secured?
I've achieved a lot of things in my career, I've been to both Cocos and Christmas Islands' for major projects, I've had multiple trips to the countryside, even all the way up north to Broome. I've done work across many industries, but mostly the education space and small businesses. As the senior engineer for my current role, I've been part of onboarding many customers to the company, as well as training and supporting junior engineers for their roles.
One of my favourite things is teaching, my end game goal is to eventually retire into some sort of teaching role to pass on all the knowledge and experiences I have gained over my career span. I've also been the spearhead of the companies technical knowledge and training hub.
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I love building things, over the years I've built various systems big and small.
Spelling Bee
The school was intending to run an internal Spelling Bee competition and asked for ways to integrate IT into the function to enhance the audiences experience.
I designed a platform that had three components; a contestant interface, an audience display and a micro-management panel.
Students would be given a word by the MC, they would then type the word into a simple text box on a laptop in-front of them. Using JavaScript, the contents of this text box would be sent to a local web server asynchronously, where it would be updated in the database live as they are typing.
A second interface displayed each contestants scores as well as a live visual of their entries as they are typing on a large projector for the audience.
The micro-management panel was used to lock the contestants entries, automatically allocate points to the correct answer and shift to the next word.
All correct answers & scores were stored in an SQLite database initially, but was revised to use PHP PDO to enable compatibility with MS SQL & MySQL databases.
This is the moderator panel for the spelling bee, it is here where I managed the questions and the participants scores.
This is showing what the participants see on their notebooks, they only have a text box to type in and a button to clear the answer.
This is showing the view of the Spelling Bee stage. Participants are on stage with notebooks. Their current question and their answers are then simultaneously displayed behind them on the projector.
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